

Striving to foster our region's economic growth through digital technology

The 西密歇根州技术委员会 exists to grow technology-oriented businesses in the 大急流城 region. We strive to make West Michigan a national leader in digital technologies.

Tech Council members share information and experiences of interest and benefit to its members to help fuel the success of member companies. In addition, the Tech Council supports West Michigan businesses who are providing, applying, 或者开始采用数字技术.

西密歇根州技术委员会 Steering Committee



CEO & 奥古斯托数码公司联合创始人
Josh Barker,城市创新

Josh Barker

CEO & 管理合伙人,城市创新

Keith Brophy

尤利娅•Chiaburu Dematic


Shawn Crowley原子物体

Shawn Crowley


Paul Doyle


Mark Johnson

Co-Founder & 密歇根软件实验室管理合伙人
Jason Joseph Spectrum Health

Jason Joseph

Chief Digital and Information Officer, Corewell Health
Sam Kasgorgis的网站大小

Sam Kasgorgis

Taryn Kutches

Taryn Kutches

Brian Mckeiver, Bizstream



Tim Merkle

客户总监 & 商业运营、工程 & 项目管理,Steelcase
查德·帕尔曼:Nu Wave Technology Partners

Chad Paalman

CEO & NuWave Technology Partners联合创始人
Stacy Paul

Stacy Paul



皇冠搏彩APP, Inc .技术副总裁.


  • 泰勒·亚当斯,联合创始人 & CEO, CertifID
  • 玛丽·阿恩哈特,Ariox首席执行官
  • Catherine Behrenbrinker, President, Symplicity Communications
  • Devon Bleibtrey,联合创始人 & CEO, flockx
  • Zachariah Booker, ADHD Online的联合创始人
  • Kuanchin Chen, Director of the Center for Business Analytics, Western Michigan University
  • Matt Clarin, Hungerford Technologies总经理
  • Todd Cowles, AbsyAI创始人
  • Matt Emery, Think Chromatic总裁/老板
  • 拉里·法拉加利,首席执行官 & 联合创始人,明亮
  • Josh Freeney, YETi CGI的合伙人
  • Danny Gaydou II, Nextpoint Design首席执行官
  • Danche Gjorgijievski, ADAC Automotive首席技术官
  • Greg Gogolin,杰出教授 & AI, ISI, PM项目协调员, 网络安全和数据科学中心主任, 费里斯州立大学
  • Tod Grams, DISHER业务发展合伙人
  • Kristi Haik, Dean - School of STEM, Grand Rapids Community College
  • Greg Hatcher, White Knight Labs创始人
  • Shawn Isenhoff, DornerWorks总裁
  • 约翰·约翰斯顿,PeopleIT合伙人
  • Jennifer Jurgens,首席执行官/创始人,1 Bold Step
  • Andy Kaiser, Kaiser IT Group总裁
  • Blythe Kazmierczak, Euzen Connect首席执行官
  • Mike Kennedy, Chief Information Officer, Gordon Food Service
  • John Kennedy IV, Chief Technology Officer, Autocam Medical
  • Mark Kimball, MOSS总裁兼首席执行官
  • Jason Kuipers,互惠人类公司总裁
  • Chip LaFleur, LaFleur营销总裁兼首席执行官
  • Kyle McGregor, Director of Health Innovations, Spartan Innovations
  • Dan Mikita, devsop首席执行官
  • James Mikrut, Payload CMS的创始人
  • Tom Miller, MindSpring总裁
  • 凯文·纽曼,软件开发,第九大脑
  • Chris Nuiver,应用创新总经理
  • Ricardo O’neal II, kikcity创始人
  • 斯科特·皮尔斯先生. Technology and Cybersecurity Solutions Advisor, Sentinel Technologies
  • Josh Ralya, Ideology的联合创始人兼首席执行官
  • Wes Richardson, Director of AV Technology Business Unit, CS Erikson
  • Aaron Schram, Four Square Ventures首席技术官
  • 马特·西姆斯,西姆斯电子公司首席执行官
  • Nate Smith,创始人 & 数字产业集团首席运营官
  • ashley Souffrou, ssanpro总裁
  • Matt Toburen, Nexus软件解决方案首席执行官
  • Brian Tol, SpinDance的首席技术官
  • Milos Topic, VP and Chief Digital Officer, Grand Valley State University
  • Jonathan Tower, Founder, Trailhead Technology Partners
  • 克里斯·特朗普,TiiCKER首席数字官
  • Andy Van Solkema, VP of Digital Strategy and Experience, Vervint
  • Garry VonMyhr, Tech Defenders联合创始人
  • Michael Waldschlager,首席执行官 & 总统FusionIT
  • 吉姆·韦弗,GTF技术公司首席执行官
  • Brian Young, Senior Manager Technology Solutions, Rehmann Technology Services

Benefits of 西密歇根州技术委员会成员hip


Membership in the 西密歇根州技术委员会 provides an opportunity to create new collaborations with other regional technology leaders who are applying digital technologies as part of their competitive strategy.

Peer Sharing

作为一群值得信赖的技术领导者的一员, participating members share best practices and experiences of interest and benefits to its members to help fuel the success of member companies.


Immediate value is provided at each gathering: an annual calendar of events is set at the beginning of the new year, but “hot” topics are generated from and explored by members as they arise. This allows the Council to respond quickly to new developments and provide actionable insight.


作为技术委员会的一员, you have the ability to network with other members of the council and their teams. This private networking opportunity provides a chance to develop new relationships and partnerships in the region.


Many of the problems facing West Michigan technology professionals are not unique to an individual business. The Tech Council provides a platform and time to discuss these common challenges and address them as a team of companies.



Individual leading a company or business unit that is providing digital technology products, services, and/or consulting shall be eligible for council membership under the following guidelines.

  1. 维护区域内的主要设施, conducting a substantial amount of the company's operations.
  2. Hereby agree to be a RPI investor with a minimum investment of $2,500 due annually.


Member agrees to the following participation guidelines.

  1. Participate in at least three (3) of the four (4) quarterly meetings of the Technology Council.
  2. Experience Sharing: Participate in activities to share information and experiences of interest and benefit to Members to help fuel the success of Members.
  3. Collaboration: Participate in activities to support businesses in the Region who are seeking information about digital technology adoption or application.
  4. Support and participate in the Technology Council's outreach efforts to ultimately raise awareness of the technology industry in the Region.


    有兴趣加入? 立即皇冠搏彩APP

    Jen wangler 1


    Vice President, Technology | Director, 西密歇根州技术委员会

    Jennifer provides retention and expansion assistance to Right Place clients in Kent County and site location assistance to national and international IT and tech companies. She also serves as the Director for the 西密歇根州技术委员会.

    Full Bio


    All Events


    Tech Week Grand Rapids is a multi-day collection of events designed to showcase the region's vibrant tech community. With events ranging from hands-on tech exhibits and panel discussions, 推销竞争和社交机会, there is something for everyone at Tech Week Grand Rapids.



    C2 A5336


    活动主机应用程序现在开放的技术周GR, a collection of events that will showcase the region’s tech sector



    The 西密歇根州技术委员会 recently met to explore the key trends and developments in this space, particularly focusing on the impact of generative AI and the emergence of quantum computing.

    皇冠搏彩APP recognized as Top Economic Development Organization in 2024 by Purpose Jobs

    皇冠搏彩APP recognized as Top Economic Development Organization in 2024 by Purpose Jobs